Sunday, December 30, 2012


Copyright Antisense Conscience 2012


Copyright Antisense Conscience 2012


 The following link is posted out of pure interest in new ways of perceiving existence, the natural world, the universe...

The Vortx Model of Solar System Motion

This seems intuitive doesn't it?  As do many paradigm changes that are elegant ways of re-imagining how things work.

The idea harkens back to an earlier age when we believed that the sun and other planets in the solar system revolved around the Earth, or that the Earth was flat.  From our perspective these beliefs appeared to be true, but further study proved that our perceptions are sometimes faulty due to incomplete information.  Tricks our mind plays on us to make something understandable based on our experiences because we don't have a perspective upon which to base a different and accurate conclusion.  In this case it was easier for us to perceive and represent a solar system of planets revolving around our sun on a relatively flat plan or disk without any forward motion.  However, as this model shows (visualized with a more modern way to represent the motion of the planets in a CGI environment) the solar system is not stationary and the revolution of the planets also have a forward motion, a spiral or vortex pattern.  Since we are on one of those spiraling planets that essentially all keep the same rate of forward motion, we perceive the planets to all be revolving along a flat and stationary plane because we don't have an outside point of perspective to see the net forward motion over the short term of human existence (it takes over 200 million years for the solar system to revolve around the galaxy's center).

Lets add another layer of complexity though, a step beyond this model.  The universe is expanding, so our galaxy is in forward motion itself (the rate of movement is dependent on what frame of reference you use to calculate, but hundreds of km/s).  We know that our galaxy is a spiral form, but again represented as spiraling arms on a flat plane.  If the galaxy has forward motion, and the spiraling arms are oriented at 90 degrees from the direction of movement (as with our solar system), then we can scale the vortex model up to the galaxy scale.  Thus, we have a vortex of solar system motion within a vortex of galaxy scale motion.  Keep in mind, there are over 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, so there are over 200 billion solar system vortex models within the galaxy scale vortex.  Imagine trying to represent that graphically...