Inherited guilt is the guilt of descendants of ancestors who performed sinful, illegal, or immoral acts. From the Holocaust, the gulags in the former Soviet Union, genocide against Native Americans, to slavery, around the world individuals, groups, races, and nations have raped, destroyed, and murdered throughout history. How do the living deal with the deeds of their fathers, mothers, grandparents, great great great grandparents, etc...?
The following two links are about inherited guilt. The first is more philosophical, and makes some interesting points about the potential absurdity of inheriting moral guilt. The second is specific to descendants of Germans who were integral to the Nazi Holocaust.
Inherited Guilt
Nazi Legacy
A descendant of a commander at Auschwitz, Rainer Hoess, is quoted at the end of the article as saying, "To receive the approval of someone who survived those horrors and knows for sure that it wasn't you, that you didn't do it. For the first time you don't feel fear or shame but happiness, joy, inner joy." But who is alive to remove blame and guilt for descendants of American slave owners? Can descendants of former slaves have the same effect of removing the inherited guilt, or is the first person effect lost? Whether or not it is absurd for following generations to feel guilt for their ancestor's deeds, the feeling still exists. Maybe it is a minor burden to have to carry in the face of the burden carried by African or Native Americans, or Jews, many millions more victimized through history?
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